Absolutely not! The end of the free trial doesn't come with any hidden charges. If you decide to continue, which we hope you do, you'll enter your payment information then.
No auto-renewals here! Your credit card info isn't stored for security reasons. We'll send reminders via platform and email 7, 3, and 1 day before your paid plan ends.
No worries, your task data stays safe forever. You can access it on the free basic plan. We automatically move you to the free basic plan.
On the free basic plan, you can’t assign tasks to new applicants or create new tasks. You’ll able to assign/invite new reviewers to submitted tasks.
We're flexible! Major credit cards, debit cards, UPI, Google Pay and PayPal - we've got you covered. Check during checkout for options.
Absolutely! We're on it. Encryption, industry standards, and no storing of your credit card info for extra safety. Stripe handles all your payment details.